Our 3 Page Package includes,
Professionally Designed Site (from sample templates), Web Hosting and Maintenance of the site, all for as low as $294.00 per year. TO ORDER
Additional pages, colour changes or site modifications billed at $85.00 per hour. Picture and Logo scans, $25.00 each.
No charge for changes to "Contact Information" throughout the year.
Domain Name,
Your sites address will be www.canadiantherapists.com/yourname.
In many cases a private domain name, ie:www.yourname.com, can be registered and forwarded to your site.
Custom Built Sites,
Have your own idea in mind for your site? We would be happy to quote you on a custom designed site. Contact us with your ideas and we will do the rest.
Additional Services and Solutions,
Are you an agency or multiple therapists business? Are you interested in a corporate site to promote your company? Are you looking for web solutions including individual e-mail's, ie: name@yourcompanyname.com?
Let us provide the expertise and services you need to meet your goals.
All prices are in Canadian Dollars,
HST to be charged on all above amounts.